Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Nathan Burton

After high school I went to BYU for a semester, then went on a mission to Wisconsin and Upper Michigan where I was able to serve in everything from inner-city ghetto to the most remote hillbilly forests imaginable. After I came home I went to Utah State and was planning on studying chemical engineering, but decided that wasn't the thing for me so I'm now studying political science with plans to attend law school after I graduate in 2012. I was married in May, 2009 in the Bountiful Temple to the most wonderful girl ever, Joanna, who is from Taylorsville, UT. Jo is studying elementary education and sometimes we have fun doing her school projects together. Sometimes we get to go snowmobiling and hiking, but time and money limit us a lot. We love changes (monotony is no fun) are both excited about moving somewhere new and different when I go to law school. If anyone is interested in going on a hike or just chilling, let me know!